Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Heading Home

Bleary eyed travelers. 

The Champs Élysées

Weary and footsore, but you never leave a man behind. 

While the crowds seemed smaller than two weeks ago it was still.....

Team photo!

Once More

One last cafe visit for Nutella crepes. 

Well That Settles It

We killed French culture. 

The Catacombs of Paris

So... The line was long. But the girls (and two boys) did a great job keeping themselves entertained and their spirits up by playing games and riddles. 

When we got inside, I thought we might have been ripped off. 

Then we came upon a cool model. 

And some impressive stone work. 

And then dem bones. Tons and tons of dem bones. 

Really creepy in the best possible sense of the word. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Paris At Night

There are advantages to a tour bus. 


Before the rain came in, we grabbed some photos. 

Some were Dada

The Tour de Montparnasse

We summited the Montparnasse tower. Great vistas and great pictures. 

The American Dream

Found it. 

Key To A Good Hotel

Come to Paris For The Fine Dining

The Moulin Rouge

So I wasn't sure why our guide wasn't taking us by the Moulin Rouge. 

The whole area is a red light district. 

Fun to walk through with the boys. 

Sacre Couer

Climbed all the way up to France's attempt to compensate for its loss in the Franco-Prussian war. 

Nice views. 

Foosball Round 17

If I Had To Guess

I'd guess this truck driver has some masculinity issues. 

Ninja Turtles in Training

Monday, August 24, 2015

My Return

So, I had to make it back to Lille to hook back up with the team. 

I very cleverly negotiated the Ghent tram system and got to the train station. Needless to say my American credit card wouldn't work in the kiosk, so I went to the desk. The surly woman there issued me a ticket. 

And neglected to tell me I had to change trains in Courtrai. So I went to some place called Popinge past Ypres. It was only then a nice lady found me a conductor who told me he announced the changing of trains. In Flemish. 

So I waited. The train started back towards Courtrai. It got to the station fifteen minutes after the last train for Lille had departed for the night. 

Luckily the can fare from Courtrai to Lille is "only" 60€. The cabbie was cool, a Flemish Josh Gad. But as charming as Bruges and Ghent were, I'm done with Belgium. 


Not AS lovely as Brugges, but also less "scripted".